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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Please Help Midday Restore Services

Dear Reader,

We're out of short term cash, so the long term is that we're out of gas, so to speak, which in our venacular means we're out of news, your news and my news.

Sorry, but that's the bad news. You may have noticed about 80% of our sites are down at the moment.

Please help Midday get a second breath with your donation of any amount in any currency to continue Midday's independent journalism without interruption.

Please click on the Midday PayPal blue banner at the bottom of the page to make a donation that will help restore independent Midday news content.

We really need your good news right about now.

Thank you for your support.

Sincerely yours,

M. R. Lawrence, Publisher


Anonymous said...

why are you asking for money when you have all these services running?

Anonymous said...

Dear Midday,

I would like to donate 100 to you but i do not use paypal.

Mrs Johns

Midday said...

The problem is that 80% of Midday services are offline.

MRL / Midday

Midday said...

To make a donation by mail for those who don't use PayPal, the contribution to Midday can be mailed to:

PO Box 30
Hartford, CT 06141-0030

MRL / Midday

janine said...

Where is the FM radio? I miss the classical music! Can You put it back on?


Midday said...

I miss Beethoven and the gang too!

The MiddayRadio.com and Midday.FM sites are two of about 40 of the Midday sites that have gone offline.

I designed the classical radio Midday.FM site for easy listening while I worked at my computer, and thought others with similar music tastes would enjoy it if I shared it online for everyone's listening.

Subsequently, I have had to request viewer donations to make up for the shortfall in funding these sites as the advertising model has provided very limited financial support.

If donations come in, we'll be able to hear Mozart, Bruch, Handel et al once again.

MRL / Midday

Greg My said...

Why are 80% of Midday servces offline

My Greg

Midday said...

We only had enough short term income to continue funding 20% of our sites.

Donations could make the difference in getting the other 80% back online immediately.

MRL / Midday

m davis said...

Mr Midday

You are doing something wrong if you are asking readers for donations.



Ted Danieils Kansas said...

How are your donations coming?


Midday said...

They aren't. This forum may have to go next.

MRL / Midday

Frederick said...

Its no wonder that your are`failing. You cant find the stories that you have on twitter on this site. Really poor.

Midday said...

Dear Frederick,

All story headlines posted on Twitter refer back to 1 of the 25 videos posted on Midday.com Special Reports Global at the top of The Midday Forum. You will sometimes have to scroll the vertical bar on the right of the four main video topics to see the remaining 21 videos.

News videos are added, moved, and deleted to accomodate the changing news content as it occurs in a typical news day.

Generally, the headlines posted on Twitter a few days earlier have been replaced by fresh video news content with the appropriate headlines.

This is a breaking news, top story summation format, not an archive, therefore the new Twitter posts only refer to current stories.

As an example, the Rosenthal comments video on the Red Sox vs. Yankees posted on Saturday morning at twitter has been replaced by a Baseball Hall of Fame video the following day on Sunday.

Major news stories in various categories, in extensive depth, will be available once again across Midday's numerous sites as funding warrants.

Your voluntary donation would assist Midday in that effort.

Meanwhile, scroll the videos in a timely response so as not to miss a topic of interest.

MRL / Midday

Thomas Payne said...

How much funding are you looking for? Don't just answer any amount. What dollar amount do you need to restore?


Midday said...

Dear Mr. Payne:

$2,000 gets Midday through the 3rd quarter with all sites restored, including finishing a monetized Midday.TV live site, and I get Sunday afternoons off.

MRL / Midday

Anonymous said...

Whats a a monetized Midday.TV live site mean? Its make money? You pay money?

Thank you.

Midday said...

Dear Anonymous:

A properly monetized site should create a steady daily income flow for the site owner from both click-through text and image content ads, and also income earned from reader views stated in an impressions per thousand views standard.

As examples, the Google and FindItQuick skyscraper banner ads on this page's right side are click-through based ads; the AdBrite right skyscraper generates both click-through and reader views income. The top video embed generates income on a per thousand impressions for views from readers based in the U.S., U.K., and Europe who watch a video play.

The degree of success is determined by how much web traffic visits a particular site, stays and explores, and regularly returns.

Other services Midday uses which appear on our other sites are Commission Junction (CJ), Chitika, eBay, Amazon, Shopping.com, Clickbank, to mention the better known, along with a cross section of small publishers whom we are affiliates for.

So, properly monetizing a Midday.TV web portal should make the site self-sustaining once the visitor traffic builds.

MRL / Midday

Andy said...

The videos are annoying, try some regular news. Andy

John P Wiseguy said...

Heres a News flash for you, domain names that sound like well known domain names are WORTHLESS. Why dont you register Furd, Dudge, toyata, Bank of merica...

Stupid and a waste of money.

Midday said...

Hey, you may be onto something! Do you think WizeGuy would be hot? Duh ...

MRL / Midday

Andy said...

He's not the one who doesnt have ten bucks to renew his ws domain.


marcus sainzt said...

Hi Sir,

Would you take 3k through paypal for mradsense.com?My best offer.

Marcus sainzt Tampa

Midday said...

You're right Andy!

The payments for my successful June cancer operation came first.

If you're offering a ten bucks donation, I accept.

MRL / Midday

Midday said...

Dear Mr. Sainzt,

Since Andy has been noticeably quiet on the $10 donation I proposed to him, I'll be happy to accept your 3k premium domain name offer, b u t ... n o t e, it's not for MrAdsense.com. I'm offering MisterAdsense.com

If we have an agreement on this, here's the procedure:

Go to http://MisterAdsense.com scroll down to the right side, click the "... may be for sale ..." box, enter your offer on the new page and this will create an automatic 7 day auction on the SEDO domain name auction hosting site.

Your offer will become the auction reserve price that I will accept, so if no one else bids, this domain name will be yours within 7 days for our agreed price.

This domain is ideal for a practicing guru who knows his or her Google Adsense and Adwords, and wants to convey this authorityship on all things Google to a motivated paying membership.

Good luck.

MRL / Midday

P.S. You can see our other Premium Domain Name offers on the special sale page at http://ValUName.com

Anonymous said...

Per your twitter page, what are the 4 twitter names forsale, i did not see them.


Midday said...

Dear Anonymous Twitter:

The Twitter post link is http://ValUName.com where that site's fourth column of clickable domains on the right lists TheTweeter.com at http://TheTweeter.com - the fifth column last on the right lists TweeterMAX.com at http://TweeterMAX.com - TweeterZIP.com at http://TweeterZIP.com and TweetXpress.com at http://TweetXpress.com

These addresses will take you to their respective SEDO domain auction listing page. Scroll down halfway or so on the right and click on "... may be for sale by its owner ..." which will take you to a purchase info page.

MRL / Midday

Eddie Guzman Hartford said...

Quote "4 Premium Twitter Domain Names Left @ http://ValUName.com - Great Prices - Hot & Catchy - Ready To Transfer - Build Your Twitter Profits Now" Reading the posts above, Wiseguy was right, tweeter is not twitter and has nothing to do with twitter. NO WONDER YOU ARE FAILING, YOUR AN IDIOT. YOU DESERVE AND WILL GET NOTHING

Midday said...

Dear Mr. Guzman

Twitter Tweets and Tweets Twitter.

You're such a Tweetee Twitt!

MRL / Midday

Guzman said...

and you are a moron loser with no money, begging for cash for your suck ship that nobody cares about. Judging from your site, You are probably and idiot working out of a apartment with no phone, car or life trying to sell worthless domains which only you think are valuable.

Midday said...

Dear Mr. Guzman:

I guess this means a donation is out of the question ...

MRL / Midday